Rachel Thompson is a British author and journalist specialising in sex, dating, and relationships.

Her first book Rough: How Violence Has Found Its Way Into the Bedroom And What We Can Do About It, a non-fiction investigation into sexual violence was published by Square Peg (Vintage) in August 2021. Stylist magazine called Rough "2021's most important book about sex". She is currently working on her second non-fiction book for Square Peg.

Rachel is the Features Editor at Mashable. She is a leading sex and relationships writer in the UK and has written for GQ, The Guardian, The Sunday Times Style, British Glamour, Stylist, ELLE, The Telegraph, CNN, HuffPost, The Face, Flo, and many more.

In 2022, she was named as a finalist as Writer of Year in the Sexual Health Awards run by Brook and SH:24.

Rachel’s essay titled “Choosing Myself” was published in Unattached: Thirty Essays On Singlehood, an anthology about single womanhood, edited by Angelica Malin.